Software DevelopmentLombardy, Italy51-200 Employees
1000Farmacie brings thousands of pharmacies online with minimal efforts. Through our technology, we integrate with pharma retailers and allow them to sell online.
Funding Boost 1000Farmacie recently secured $25 million in Series A funding, indicative of financial stability and potential for expansion. This injection of capital could fuel growth and lead to increased technology adoption among pharmacies.
Innovative Tech Stack With a tech stack that includes Next.js, Stripe, and Ruby on Rails, 1000Farmacie demonstrates a commitment to cutting-edge technology. Leveraging these tools can attract tech-savvy pharmacies seeking advanced online solutions, presenting a sales opportunity for software providers.
Market Penetration By bringing thousands of pharmacies online effortlessly, 1000Farmacie has shown the potential to penetrate untapped markets and reach pharmacies looking to enhance their digital presence. This presents a sales avenue for partnership opportunities and software integration.
Revenue Potential With a revenue range of $10M - $50M, 1000Farmacie operates in a lucrative market segment. Partnering with them could offer software developers access to a sizable revenue stream through collaborations and service sales to their network of pharmacies.
Competitive Landscape Compared to similar companies like Rompharm Company and Sensiblu, 1000Farmacie's innovative approach to online pharmacy integration sets it apart. Positioning software solutions as complementary to their services could give suppliers an edge in a competitive market.
1000Farmacie uses 8 technology products and services including Open Graph, Cart Functionality, NextAuth.js, and more. Explore 1000Farmacie's tech stack below.
1000Farmacie Email Formats | Percentage |
First@1000farmacie.it | 50% |
First@1000farmacie.it | 50% |
Software DevelopmentLombardy, Italy51-200 Employees
1000Farmacie brings thousands of pharmacies online with minimal efforts. Through our technology, we integrate with pharma retailers and allow them to sell online.
1000Farmacie has raised a total of $10M of funding over 4 rounds. Their latest funding round was raised on Jun 02, 2023 in the amount of $10M.
1000Farmacie's revenue is in the range of $10M$50M
1000Farmacie has raised a total of $10M of funding over 4 rounds. Their latest funding round was raised on Jun 02, 2023 in the amount of $10M.
1000Farmacie's revenue is in the range of $10M$50M