ActiveEon Email Format
Software DevelopmentAlpes-Maritimes, France11-50 Employees
Activeeon is a software company providing innovative open source solutions for job scheduling, IT automation, acceleration and scalability, big data, distributed computing, AI Orchestration & MLOps. Activeeon helps companies automate their businesses and accelerate their go-to-market to get competitive advantage through workload automation. Activeeon produces ProActive software available in license or SaaS mode, both in the cloud and on premises. Our software helps users reach their business goals thanks to multi-language workflows that orchestrate applications and processes while adding elasticity and scalability to the computing resources. Most notably, ProActive is very suited for processes relying on on-premises, hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructures. Activeeon commercializes two main products: 1) ProActive Workflows & Scheduling - job scheduling and workload automation solution that goes from the definition of multi-language workflows to scheduling, and all the way to cloud resource management, a critical time and cost saving feature in the cloud era. 2) AI Orchestration & MLOps - data science and AI platform that is fully open, multi-languages, multi AI framework, fully customizable and extensible by our end-users, including MLOps Dashboard to manage models in production. ActiveEon est un éditeur de logiciels fournissant des solutions d'ordonnancement informatique, d’orchestration et d’automatisation de traitements. Les solutions ProActive, développées par ActiveEon, sont utilisées pour l’automatisation des workflows de calcul, de l’IT, l’accélération et la scalabilité des workloads, l’analyse des données issues du big data ou de l’internet des objets. Les solutions ProActive agnostiques aux ressources sont adaptées aux infrastructures hybrides (on-premise/cloud). L’ordonnancement et la gestion des ressources sont au coeur de la technologie développée par ActiveEon, basée sur le calcul distribué, parallèle, et asynchrone.