ADMA-OPCO Email Format
Oil and GasUnited Arab Emirates1001-5000 Employees
The Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO) is a major producer of Oil and Gas from the offshore areas of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. We pride ourselves on being a pioneering petroleum company in this part of the world, having completed over 50 years of Oil & Gas production. In October 2016, ADNOC announced its intention to integrate the operations of ADMA-OPCO and Zakum Development Company, (ZADCO), into a single new company responsible for the associated concessions, including Zakum—the world’s largest offshore field in terms of reserves. Oil and Gas production comes from two major oil fields, Umm Shaif and Lower Zakum, from which crude oil is transferred to Das Island for processing, storage and export. In 1962, Abu Dhabi’s first crude shipment came from Umm Shaif and was exported through Das Island to the international markets. Over the years, ADMA-OPCO has gone through an aggressive process of change which has already borne fruit. Under this process, the company has managed to maintain its commitment to achieving a long-term enterprise programme covering facilities expansion, new installations, additional drilling, production development, inspection and integrity management, and most importantly, the fast-paced development of Company new fields, i.e. Satah AlRazboot (SARB), Nasr and Umm Lulu. The last five decades have seen ADMA-OPCO take a remarkable journey of tangible growth in parallel with the phenomenal development of Abu Dhabi into a world city. Since the second quarter of 2016, ADMA-OPCO, under the umbrella of ADNOC Group, has been focused on four key operational pillars: People, Performance, Profitably and Efficiency to help achieve four key strategic imperatives: More profitable upstream, more valuable downstream, more sustainable and economic gas supply, and developing world-class talent.