Aeqium Email Format
Software DevelopmentCalifornia, United States11-50 Employees
Take control of your compensation planning. Make better decisions faster. Aeqium is a compensation planning tool trusted by people leaders in forward-thinking startups like Thoropass and Mixpanel to enterprise teams like Braze and Warby Parker. The problem: You want to run fast, accurate, efficient compensation cycles (because until now, they’ve felt chaotic), but: 1. Your process is manual, time-consuming, and error-prone 2. You spend too much time on admin tasks instead of providing guidance to managers & employees 3. Your managers and leadership team don’t have access to the right data to make decisions You’ve unfairly always had to decide between: 1. Managing comp in spreadsheets with poor workflows that don’t scale 2. Managing comp in HRIS tools that lack the configurability to match your unique needs Perhaps you’ve felt the frustration from managers, employees, or company leadership who are exhausted by the current process as well… That’s why we built Aeqium. Aeqium’s tools can be configured to match your exact process, no matter how complex. * Total flexibility — configured to match your exact process * Self-sufficiency to make changes yourself anytime – even mid-cycle * Dedicated customer support anytime you need * Easy-to-use, guided experience for admins, reviewers, and leadership It’s a compensation management system that doesn’t require outside consultants to implement. How it works: 1. Integrate your HR tools in minutes 2. Upload your pay bands, and configure your cycle 3. Launch a guided workflow to direct your managers through the process 4. Report on cycle progress and outcomes in real-time 6. Communicate compensation updates to every employee with a click Finally, fast, accurate, efficient compensation cycles at a price that you can invest in. We'll configure your complete compensation process in Aeqium at no charge when you request a demo. Yes, really. Free. See it live in 1 business day and test it with your team 😁