Project Lead The Way Distinction Affton School District has been recognized as a Project Lead The Way Distinguished District for three consecutive years, showcasing a commitment to innovative STEM education. This achievement opens up opportunities for partnerships with organizations aiming to advance STEM initiatives in education.
Tech Stack Diversity Affton School District utilizes a diverse tech stack including Nuxt.js, jQuery, Google Tag Manager, and more. Companies specializing in providing tech solutions and services can explore collaborating with Affton to enhance their digital infrastructure and educational technology.
Revenue Range With a revenue between $10M - $50M, Affton School District falls within a lucrative financial bracket. This indicates potential for suppliers offering educational products, services, and solutions to engage with Affton for mutually beneficial partnerships.
Cybersecurity Concerns Following a ransomware attack in 2021, cybersecurity solutions providers have an opportunity to engage with Affton School District to bolster their network security. Demonstrating robust cybersecurity measures could lead to long-term partnerships in ensuring data protection for the district.
Outstanding Board Award The Affton School District received the Outstanding Board of Education Award, highlighting their commitment to excellence in education governance. Education consultants and training providers can leverage this recognition to offer services aimed at further enhancing the district's governance efficiency and effectiveness.