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Gathering insights about Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل

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Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's Email Address Formats

Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل uses at least 2 format(s):
Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's headquarters located?

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Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's main headquarters is located at Jeddah 1 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 21422 SA. The company has employees across 2 continents, including AsiaAfrica.

What is Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's official website and social media links?

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Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل generate?

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As of August 2024, Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's annual revenue reached $35M.

What is Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's NAICS code?

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Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's NAICS code is 524 - Insurance Carriers and Related Activities.

How many employees does Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل have currently?

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As of August 2024, Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل has approximately 225 employees across 2 continents, including AsiaAfrica. Key team members include Chief Operating Officer: M. A.Chief Financial Officer: S. A.Chief Financial Officer ( Cfo ): M. E.. Explore Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل belong to?

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Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل operates in the Insurance industry.

What is Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's email format?

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Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل email formats with LeadIQ.

When was Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل founded?

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Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل was founded in 2013.
Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل

Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل

InsuranceSaudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia201-500 Employees

الحساب الرسمي لشركة #الجزيرة_تكافل - خاضعة لإشراف ورقابة هيئة التأمين.. وحدة العناية بالعملاء - تويتر: @AJT_Care
الرقم المجاني: 8003040400

Section iconCompany Overview

Jeddah 1 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 21422 SA
524 - Insurance Carriers and Related Activities

Section iconMedia & News

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M$50M

    Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's revenue is in the range of $10M$50M

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M$50M

    Aljazira Takaful الجزيرة تكافل's revenue is in the range of $10M$50M

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