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Gathering insights about ANB Systems, LLC.

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ANB Systems, LLC. Tech Stack

ANB Systems, LLC. uses 8 technology products and services including Corel, Kubernetes, Jenkins, and more. Explore ANB Systems, LLC.'s tech stack below.

  • Corel
    Communication And Collaboration
  • Kubernetes
  • Jenkins
    Continuous Integration
  • GitLab
    Issue Trackers
  • Google Maps
  • HSTS
  • Animate.css
    UI Frameworks
  • Microsoft ASP.NET
    Web Frameworks

ANB Systems, LLC.'s Email Address Formats

ANB Systems, LLC. uses at least 1 format(s):
ANB Systems, LLC. Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is ANB Systems, LLC.'s headquarters located?

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ANB Systems, LLC.'s main headquarters is located at 2700 Post Oak Blvd Floor 21 Houston, Texas 77056 US. The company has employees across 4 continents, including AsiaNorth AmericaAfrica.

What is ANB Systems, LLC.'s phone number?

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You can contact ANB Systems, LLC.'s main corporate office by phone at . For more prospecting data, LeadIQ has access to up-to-date and accurate contact information within our platform. Find, capture, and sync contact data to your CRM and sales tools in one click.

What is ANB Systems, LLC.'s official website and social media links?

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ANB Systems, LLC.'s official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does ANB Systems, LLC. generate?

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As of December 2024, ANB Systems, LLC.'s annual revenue reached $35M.

What is ANB Systems, LLC.'s SIC code NAICS code?

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ANB Systems, LLC.'s SIC code is 5045 - Computers and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software NAICS code is 5112 - Software Publishers.

How many employees does ANB Systems, LLC. have currently?

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As of December 2024, ANB Systems, LLC. has approximately 229 employees across 4 continents, including AsiaNorth AmericaAfrica. Key team members include Chief Technology Officer, President: A. B.Chief Architect: H. N.VP Energy Services: M. D.. Explore ANB Systems, LLC.'s employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does ANB Systems, LLC. belong to?

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ANB Systems, LLC. operates in the Software Development industry.

What technology does ANB Systems, LLC. use?

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ANB Systems, LLC.'s tech stack includes CorelKubernetesJenkinsGitLabGoogle MapsHSTSAnimate.cssMicrosoft ASP.NET.

What is ANB Systems, LLC.'s email format?

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ANB Systems, LLC.'s email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more ANB Systems, LLC. email formats with LeadIQ.

When was ANB Systems, LLC. founded?

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ANB Systems, LLC. was founded in 1997.
ANB Systems, LLC.

ANB Systems, LLC.

Software DevelopmentTexas, United States201-500 Employees

ANB Systems is a leading software provider for the energy industry. Established in 1997, we build and customize state-of-the-art software solutions for demand-side management operations and retail energy services. At ANB, we empower our clients to become data-savvy and realize operational efficiencies through the implementation of data-tracking and reporting systems. In August 2023 ANB Systems was acquired by DNV, and now operates as a DNV company. Enabling enhanced digital solutions to customers in the energy transition.

eTRACK Description

eTRACK is a flexible and scalable demand-side management platform for program administrators and implementation contractors. It is highly-customizable software that adapts to the unique needs of each utility based on program designs and goals as well as regulatory and budgetary constraints. 

eTRACK is cloud-based and can be accessed by utility program managers, customer service representatives, program implementers, trade allies, and customers – each with different access privileges and views to meet their specific needs. The software allows for collaboration, and uses an intuitive design to facilitate operations. 

From program planning to monitoring, rebate processing, and reporting, eTRACK makes it easy to manage energy programs by facilitating: 

•	Streamlined project planning and development. 
•	Predictive analytics that identify trends and patterns across data sets. 
•	Automated business processes that increase operational efficiencies resulting in time- and cost-savings.

Section iconCompany Overview

2700 Post Oak Blvd Floor 21 Houston, Texas 77056 US
Phone number
SIC Code
5045 - Computers and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software
5112 - Software Publishers

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M$50M

    ANB Systems, LLC.'s revenue is in the range of $10M$50M

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M$50M

    ANB Systems, LLC.'s revenue is in the range of $10M$50M

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