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Arabian Trading Supplies uses at least 1 format(s):
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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Arabian Trading Supplies's headquarters located?

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Arabian Trading Supplies's main headquarters is located at Jeddah, SA. The company has employees across 5 continents, including AsiaAfricaNorth America.

What is Arabian Trading Supplies's official website and social media links?

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Arabian Trading Supplies's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does Arabian Trading Supplies generate?

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As of September 2024, Arabian Trading Supplies's annual revenue reached $750M.

How many employees does Arabian Trading Supplies have currently?

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As of September 2024, Arabian Trading Supplies has approximately 1K employees across 5 continents, including AsiaAfricaNorth America. Key team members include Chief Accountant: R. A.Head Of Customer Service: H. A.Sales Capability Director: B. Q.. Explore Arabian Trading Supplies's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Arabian Trading Supplies belong to?

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Arabian Trading Supplies operates in the Manufacturing industry.

What is Arabian Trading Supplies's email format?

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Arabian Trading Supplies's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Arabian Trading Supplies email formats with LeadIQ.
Arabian Trading Supplies

Arabian Trading Supplies

ManufacturingJeddah, Saudi Arabia1001-5000 Employees

Arabian Trading Supplies (ATS) was formed from the previous Arabian Food Supplies (AFS) – Consumer Products Division which stemmed from original beginnings as an associate of Spinney's. The original AFS expanded over the years into a company with an extensive client and customer base throughout Saudi Arabia. Because of this extensive expansion and the diversification into two principal sectors, the company was split into two completely separate entities Arabian Food Supplies (AFS) & Arabian Trading Supplies (ATS) which now functions autonomously within which are the following independently managed divisions:
•	Reckitt Benckiser
•	Consumer Products Division
•	Mars Division
•	Cosmetics Division

Section iconCompany Overview

Jeddah, SA

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Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $100M$1B

    Arabian Trading Supplies's revenue is in the range of $100M$1B

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $100M$1B

    Arabian Trading Supplies's revenue is in the range of $100M$1B

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