British Columbia Utilities Commission Email Format
UtilitiesBritish Columbia, Canada51-200 Employees
The British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) is an independent regulatory tribunal established by the Provincial Government. As a quasi-judicial tribunal, the BCUC is an independent decision-maker and has the power to make legally binding decisions. The BCUC operates under and administers the Utilities Commission Act. Our primary responsibility is regulating natural gas and electric utilities. We also regulate universal compulsory automobile insurance rates (basic auto insurance) of the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) and intraprovincial pipelines. In addition, we manage the Customer Choice Program for gas marketer customers and handle customer inquiries about regulated entities. Our mandate is to ensure British Columbians receive safe, reliable and non-discriminatory energy services at fair rates from the entities we regulate and that shareholders of these bodies have a reasonable opportunity to earn a fair return on their investments. As well, the Commission ensures ICBC provides basic auto insurance in a way that is adequate, fair, just and reasonable. The BCUC encourages public participation through a fair, transparent and inclusive process. Public involvement in our proceedings ensures decisions are made in the public interest and take into consideration the relevant views. For more information about the Commission please go to our website at