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Media ProductionBayern, Germany501-1000 Employees
BurdaForward - That’s good news NEWS AND SERVICES FOR MORE THAN 31 MILLION* PEOPLE The digital publishing house BurdaForward publishes a large number of journalistic offerings such as FOCUS Online, CHIP, Finanzen100, NetMoms HuffPost, The Weather Channel, cardscout and EFahrer.com. The portals highly appeal to their target audiences and most of them rank among the leading portals of the areas they cover. The portals are marketed by the in-house advertising unit, whose portfolio also includes a large variety of other renowned offerings, including TV Spielfilm plus, XING, kununu and HolidayCheck. With more than 38 million unique users we are reaching around two thirds* of the Internet users in Germany with our network. In addition to display and video integration, our marketing approach, in particular, also has a focus on native advertising campaigns for customers and media agencies. Our success is based on committed employees who drive innovation with passion, team spirit and creativity. Guided by a pioneering spirit, love of adventure and a wealth of new ideas we inspire each other and grow together to meet our challenges. Heart and a sense of humour are just as indispensable as good and relaxed teamwork characterised by respect, fairness and openness. Would you like to join our team? Click here to view all details about our job vacancies: http://www.burda-forward.de/karriere/ Legal Notice: http://www.burda-forward.de/impressum/ *AGOF e.V. daily digital facts 2018-09