California Outdoor Properties
Real EstateCalifornia, United States11-50 Employees
We specialize in buying and selling the finest recreational, hunting, fishing, equestrian, farm and ranch properties in both California and Nevada. What sets California Outdoor Properties apart from other brokerages is our marketing. We heavily market on the Internet and invest huge amounts of time optimizing and our website and showcasing our listings. Through our expansive referral networking and extensive local, regional, national and international advertising, we will bring buyers and sellers together. Our website generates a very healthy amount of our business, and we also place quarterly magazine ads in today’s most popular magazines and newspapers. We promote all of our listings in our very own bi-annual catalog, in rich media print. Our partnership with LandLeader™ offers special benefits to sellers and more exposure for our listings. LandLeader offers national and international exposure to our listings, national marketing, and advertising, and promotes our recreational real estate listings through the Internet, print advertising, television, internet banner advertising and more.