Central Dauphin School District
Primary and Secondary EducationUnited States1001-5000 Employees
The Central Dauphin School District is a dynamic, suburban community of approximately 83,000 residents with a current student population of 11,750. It is located northeast of the city of Harrisburg within the County of Dauphin in south central Pennsylvania. The school district is the 17th largest school district in the Commonwealth and is the largest of the 10 school districts located in the county. Encompassing an area of 118.2 square miles, the district is comprised of three boroughs (Dauphin, Paxtang and Penbrook) and four townships (Lower Paxton, Middle Paxton, Swatara and West Hanover). Our students attend one of 13 elementary schools, four middle schools and two high schools; and are transported from urban, suburban and rural areas by the district's own transportation system. Central Dauphin School District strives to provide "quality to the core" educational opportunities to ensure that all students achieve success.