
Sustainability FocusCIZ focuses on assessing eligibility for long-term care under equal and objective criteria, aligned with government guidelines. Demonstrate how your solutions can enhance efficiency and accuracy in this assessment process.

Technological AdvancementsCIZ utilizes a tech stack including Open Graph, PWA, PHP, and Bootstrap, reflecting a commitment to innovative technologies. Highlight how your tech solutions can complement and enhance their existing systems for improved operations.

Financially RobustWith a revenue ranging from $100M to 1B, CIZ demonstrates financial stability. Tailor your offerings to showcase cost-effectiveness and ROI to address their operational needs while ensuring a sustainable partnership.

Market Expansion PotentialCIZ is an established organization with over 1500 employees and multiple branches, indicating scalability and potential growth opportunities. Position your products or services to support their expansion strategies and cater to their evolving requirements.

Competitive Landscape AnalysisAnalyze similar companies in the sector like Zorggroep Elde, Parnassia Groep, and CZ to identify competitive advantages and gaps. Present how your solutions stand out and offer unique value propositions to outperform competitors in the market.

CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg Tech Stack

CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg uses 8 technology products and services including Open Graph, PWA, X-Content-Type-Options, and more. Explore CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's tech stack below.

  • Open Graph
  • PWA
  • X-Content-Type-Options
  • PHP
    Programming Languages
  • X-XSS-Protection
  • Bootstrap
    UI Frameworks
  • YouTube
    Video Players
  • Apache
    Web Servers

Media & News

CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's Email Address Formats

CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg uses at least 1 format(s):
CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's official website and social media links?

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CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg generate?

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As of December 2024, CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's annual revenue reached $750M.

What is CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's NAICS code?

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CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's NAICS code is 92112 - Legislative Bodies.

How many employees does CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg have currently?

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As of December 2024, CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg has approximately 1.4K employees across 6 continents, including EuropeNorth AmericaSouth America. Key team members include Chief Information Security Officer: F. U.Chief Information Officer: A. L.Digitale Dienstverlening | Cio-Office | Dienend Leiderschap: E. O.. Explore CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg belong to?

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CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg operates in the Legislative Offices industry.

What technology does CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg use?

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CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's tech stack includes Open GraphPWAX-Content-Type-OptionsPHPX-XSS-ProtectionBootstrapYouTubeApache.

What is CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's email format?

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CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg email formats with LeadIQ.

When was CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg founded?

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CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg was founded in 2005.
CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg

CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg

Legislative Offices1001-5000 Employees

Het CIZ beoordeelt of mensen recht hebben op zorg vanuit de Wet langdurige zorg. Het CIZ doet dit in het besef dat de regels voor iedereen gelijk zijn, maar dat mensen wel van elkaar verschillen. Om die reden onderzoeken medewerkers van het CIZ persoonlijk de individuele zorgbehoefte van een aanvrager van langdurige zorg. Het onderzoek is onafhankelijk en vindt plaats met objectieve criteria, zodat de beoordeling overal in het land hetzelfde is. Deze criteria zijn gebaseerd op richtlijnen van het ministerie van VWS. 
Het CIZ bestaat sinds 2005. De organisatie heeft ruim 1500 medewerkers en vestigingen in Amsterdam, Utrecht (hoofdkantoor), Nijmegen, Rotterdam en Zwolle.

Section iconCompany Overview

92112 - Legislative Bodies

Section iconMedia & News

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $100M$1B

    CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's revenue is in the range of $100M$1B

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $100M$1B

    CIZ, Centrum indicatiestelling zorg's revenue is in the range of $100M$1B

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