Cognistat Email Format
Mental Health CareQuebec, Canada11-50 Employees
Cognistat is a rapid (20 minutes), non-invasive neurocognitive assessment that provides healthcare professionals with leading edge screening technology. Cognistat efficiently assesses cognitive functioning in five major ability areas: language (comprehension, repetition and naming), construction, memory, calculation, reasoning (Similarities and judgement). It generates individual profiles highlighting affected areas of the brain to provide a patient’s functional status, the progression of illness or response to treatment. Cognistat has over 400 peer reviewed scientific publications in Dementia, Stroke, Brain Injury and other neurodegenerative conditions. Research and clinical trials demonstrated the validity and reliability of Cognistat. The Cognistat test is administered to patients via a secured web platform under the recommendation of a healthcare professional. It not only defines cognitive strengths and weaknesses, but also identifies important factors like pain, depression and sleep deprivation that adversely affect cognitive functioning. These conditions can often be treated, leading directly to brain fitness. Cognistat can also provide specific information about the potential impact of medications that can affect brain functioning.