Contra Costa Water District
UtilitiesUnited States201-500 Employees
The Contra Costa Water District serves water to 500,000 people in central and eastern Contra Costa County near the San Francisco Bay Area. About 265,000 people receive treated water directly from CCWD, and the rest receive water the Water District delivers to six local agencies. CCWD draws its water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta under a contract with the federal Central Valley Project (CVP), and as such is particularly concerned about Delta water quality and the Delta environment. CCWD is the CVP's largest urban contractor. In 1998, the water district completed construction of the locally-financed $450 million Los Vaqueros Project, including a 100,000 acre-foot reservoir, designed to provide improved water quality and emergency supply reliability for CCWD customers as well as net environmental benefits. In 2012, the reservoir was enlarged to a capacity of 160,000 acre-feet.