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César Ritz Colleges Switzerland's Email Address Formats

César Ritz Colleges Switzerland uses at least 1 format(s):
César Ritz Colleges Switzerland Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

What is César Ritz Colleges Switzerland's official website and social media links?

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César Ritz Colleges Switzerland's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

What is César Ritz Colleges Switzerland's NAICS code?

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César Ritz Colleges Switzerland's NAICS code is 92311 - Administration of Education Programs.

How many employees does César Ritz Colleges Switzerland have currently?

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As of December 2024, César Ritz Colleges Switzerland has approximately 201 employees across 6 continents, including EuropeAsiaNorth America. Key team members include Business Owner: N. D.Managing Director: A. L.School Director: D. G.. Explore César Ritz Colleges Switzerland's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does César Ritz Colleges Switzerland belong to?

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César Ritz Colleges Switzerland operates in the Education Administration Programs industry.

What is César Ritz Colleges Switzerland's email format?

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César Ritz Colleges Switzerland's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more César Ritz Colleges Switzerland email formats with LeadIQ.
César Ritz Colleges Switzerland

César Ritz Colleges Switzerland

Education Administration Programs201-500 Employees

César Ritz Colleges Switzerland are the world leaders in International Business, Tourism and Hospitality Management education. Our school has a global reputation for quality and excellence in education that spans over 30 years. Discover the perfect combination of traditional academic learning, practical classes and paid internships to get your hospitality career off to a flying start. All programmes maximize your learning experience and give you the skills and confidence needed for your future success.

Section iconCompany Overview

92311 - Administration of Education Programs

Section iconFunding & Financials

Section iconFunding & Financials

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