Dillon Kane Group
IT Services and IT ConsultingIllinois, United States201-500 Employees
The Dillon Kane Group (DKG) is a privately-held group of affiliated companies and businesses that invests in, builds, revitalizes, and optimizes technology solution businesses. DKG focuses primarily on software asset revitalization initiatives, buying and building businesses using both its own capital and outside investors – typically with a long-term investment horizon. We Turn Good Software Assets Into Great Software Businesses. The Dillon Kane Group acts as a value investor in software assets that may be underperforming but are well-positioned for rapid turnaround. These assets are often “orphaned” within larger corporate entities, e.g., the software asset no longer fits within the seller’s strategic vision and has lost management focus and investment priority. Once the software asset is lifted out from its corporate parent, it can be revitalized and re-engineered as a high-growth business. DKG's broad portfolio of affiliated companies and businesses includes IT automation, digital insurance, integrated communications, aviation technology, healthcare systems, and enterprise-class incident response, as well as several (in process) partnership businesses and incubated technologies that are poised for prime time. • Tidal Software (www.tidalsoftware.com) • Instant Connect (www.instantconnectnow.com) • STA Group (www.stagrp.com) • STEP Solutions (www.stepsolutions.com) • Aviation Safety Technologies (www.aviationsafetytechnologies.com) • Conuity (www.conuity.com) • ExtendedCare Solutions (www.extendedcaresolutions.com)