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Elma Electronic Tech Stack

Elma Electronic uses 8 technology products and services including Cloudflare, Simon, Microsoft Access, and more. Explore Elma Electronic's tech stack below.

  • Cloudflare
    Content Management System
  • Simon
    Customer Data Platforms
  • Microsoft Access
    Database Management Software
  • Microsoft Dynamics
    Enterprise Resource Planning
  • AngularJS
    Javascript Frameworks
  • Cisco
    Network Hardware
  • Java
    Programming Languages
  • Meister
    Project Management

Media & News

Elma Electronic's Email Address Formats

Elma Electronic uses at least 1 format(s):
Elma Electronic Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Elma Electronic's headquarters located?

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Elma Electronic's main headquarters is located at 44350 S. Grimmer Blvd Fremont, CA 94538 US. The company has employees across 5 continents, including North AmericaEuropeAsia.

What is Elma Electronic's official website and social media links?

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Elma Electronic's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does Elma Electronic generate?

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As of November 2024, Elma Electronic's annual revenue reached $750M.

What is Elma Electronic's NAICS code?

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Elma Electronic's NAICS code is 334111 - Electronic Computer Manufacturing.

How many employees does Elma Electronic have currently?

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As of November 2024, Elma Electronic has approximately 501 employees across 5 continents, including North AmericaEuropeAsia. Key team members include Chief Executive Officer: T. H.Chief Operating Officer: U. H.Vice President Operations: K. B.. Explore Elma Electronic's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Elma Electronic belong to?

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Elma Electronic operates in the Computer Hardware Manufacturing industry.

What technology does Elma Electronic use?

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Elma Electronic's tech stack includes CloudflareSimonMicrosoft AccessMicrosoft DynamicsAngularJSCiscoJavaMeister.

What is Elma Electronic's email format?

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Elma Electronic's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Elma Electronic email formats with LeadIQ.

When was Elma Electronic founded?

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Elma Electronic was founded in 1960.
Elma Electronic

Elma Electronic

Computer Hardware ManufacturingCalifornia, United States501-1000 Employees

Your Solution Partner! Please follow our LinkedIn page for the latest news updates. 

(Deutsche Seite: 

Elma Electronic is a leader in open standards based backplanes, modular enclosures, cabinets, and sub-system assemblies and integration. Elma’s modular approach enables fast, cost-effective, and proven performance based on standard, modular platforms - 19" chassis, ATR and small form factor designs. 

Elma is a leader in open computing architectures - OpenVPX, SOSA™, CompactPCI Serial, COMe, PCI/104, and others, actively participating in the standards working groups. Elma’s cultivated ecosystem provides the right choice of products for tailored system solutions. Find out why so many companies rely on Elma for trusted embedded solutions.

Our Optima Stantron brand manufactures modular & custom racks for defense & industrial solutions. We offer an extensive line of smart, modular instrument cases, enclosures and accessories.  Elma also manufactures precision rotary switches, encoders and audio solutions used in critical & emergency radios to the highest quality audio systems found in today's studios. 

Note: Many of our standard products are available for online purchase. Find out more details on our website.

Section iconCompany Overview

44350 S. Grimmer Blvd Fremont, CA 94538 US
334111 - Electronic Computer Manufacturing

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $100M$1B

    Elma Electronic's revenue is in the range of $100M$1B

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $100M$1B

    Elma Electronic's revenue is in the range of $100M$1B

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