ESSEC Business School
Education Administration ProgramsCergy-Pontoise, France1001-5000 Employees
The mission of ESSEC Business School, a world school with French roots, is to infuse leadership with meaning in order to prepare leaders ready to address contemporary economic, environmental and social challenges. In order to do so, it produces innovative and relevant knowledge to equip the next generation of leaders with the skills, know-how and savoir-être that will make them truly responsible, inclusive and respectful of the environment. Convinced that knowledge provides a path to freedom - Per scientiam ad libertatem - ESSEC inculcates in its students critical thinking and creativity skills that prepare them to anticipate and address the challenges of an increasingly uncertain world. ESSEC supports students in making their actions both meaningful and impactful by relying on both technology and people. It also seeks to enlighten the actions of businesses and organizations in a world transformed by the new industrial revolution, the environmental crisis, a new world balance and other major societal changes. Key figures: 71,000 ESSEC Alumni members 4 campuses (Cergy, Paris-La Défense, Singapore and Rabat) + 1 augmented digital campus 222 partner universities in 49 countries 30 double degree programs 154 permanent faculty of 36 nationalities 24 learning and research chairs +1000 partner companies 7,550 students in full-time undergraduate and graduate programs 38,32% international students +100 nationalities represented 82 PhD students +100 student organizations 5,000 managers in executive education