
Global Presence Gurkha Cigars have a strong global presence, with their premium and luxurious cigars being sold in over 70 countries worldwide. This widespread distribution opens up abundant international sales opportunities for expanding market share and reaching new customers globally.

Strategic Partnerships The recent partnerships with companies like Oliva Cigar Company and AJ Fernandez showcase Gurkha Cigar Group's ability to collaborate with industry leaders. Leveraging these strategic partnerships can lead to cross-selling opportunities and tapping into new customer segments through shared marketing efforts.

Exclusive Limited Releases Gurkha Cigars releases exclusive limited edition products like their Year of the Dragon series, featuring numbered, uniquely designed boxes. Leveraging the exclusivity and collectible nature of these releases can drive sales through targeted marketing campaigns and appealing to discerning cigar enthusiasts.

Diverse Product Portfolio With a portfolio of 250 handcrafted cigar brands catering to various tastes, strengths, and price points, Gurkha Cigars offers a wide range of products to appeal to different customer preferences. This diverse product offering provides ample opportunities for upselling and cross-selling to enhance sales revenue.

Industry Recognition Gurkha Cigar Group's reputation for luxury and premium quality cigars has garnered industry recognition and attention. Leveraging this brand reputation and recognition can open doors for premium pricing strategies, exclusive collaborations, and high-end customer engagement, driving sales in the luxury cigar market.

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Gurkha Cigars Tech Stack

Gurkha Cigars uses 8 technology products and services including WordPress, Select2, Swiper, and more. Explore Gurkha Cigars's tech stack below.

  • WordPress
    Content Management System
  • Select2
    Javascript Libraries
  • Swiper
    Javascript Libraries
  • Revslider
  • X-XSS-Protection
  • YouTube
    Video Players
  • MediaElement.js
    Video Players
  • Facebook

Gurkha Cigars's Email Address Formats

Gurkha Cigars uses at least 1 format(s):
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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Gurkha Cigars's headquarters located?

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Gurkha Cigars's main headquarters is located at 6600 Hiatus Road Tamarac, FL 33321 US. The company has employees across 5 continents, including North AmericaAsiaAfrica.

What is Gurkha Cigars's phone number?

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You can contact Gurkha Cigars's main corporate office by phone at . For more prospecting data, LeadIQ has access to up-to-date and accurate contact information within our platform. Find, capture, and sync contact data to your CRM and sales tools in one click.

What is Gurkha Cigars's official website and social media links?

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Gurkha Cigars's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does Gurkha Cigars generate?

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As of June 2024, Gurkha Cigars's annual revenue reached $500M.

What is Gurkha Cigars's SIC code NAICS code?

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Gurkha Cigars's SIC code is 5094 - Jewelry, Watches, Precious Stones, and Precious Metals NAICS code is 3122 - Tobacco Manufacturing.

How many employees does Gurkha Cigars have currently?

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As of June 2024, Gurkha Cigars has approximately 31 employees across 5 continents, including North AmericaAsiaAfrica. Key team members include Founder And Ceo: K. H.Home Inspector Owner: G. H.Founder And Ceo: K. H.. Explore Gurkha Cigars's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Gurkha Cigars belong to?

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Gurkha Cigars operates in the Tobacco Manufacturing industry.

What technology does Gurkha Cigars use?

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Gurkha Cigars's tech stack includes WordPressSelect2SwiperRevsliderX-XSS-ProtectionYouTubeMediaElement.jsFacebook.

What is Gurkha Cigars's email format?

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Gurkha Cigars's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Gurkha Cigars email formats with LeadIQ.

When was Gurkha Cigars founded?

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Gurkha Cigars was founded in 1989.
Gurkha Cigars

Gurkha Cigars

Tobacco ManufacturingFlorida, United States11-50 Employees

Gurkha Cigars are known throughout the world for their premium and luxurious cigars, so it’s no surprise that they are the most sought-after cigars around the globe. Gurkha produces millions of cigars per year that are sold in more than 70 countries worldwide. And while Gurkha is known for its exclusivity, it has an impressive array of 250 brands of flawlessly handcrafted, premium cigars created in a variety of strengths, tasting profiles and price-points. No matter what your taste, there’s a Gurkha cigar that’s perfect for your palate. For additional information visit

Section iconCompany Overview

6600 Hiatus Road Tamarac, FL 33321 US
Phone number
SIC Code
5094 - Jewelry, Watches, Precious Stones, and Precious Metals
3122 - Tobacco Manufacturing

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $100M$1B

    Gurkha Cigars's revenue is in the range of $100M$1B

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $100M$1B

    Gurkha Cigars's revenue is in the range of $100M$1B

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