Ledo Pizza
RestaurantsMaryland, United States1001-5000 Employees
There are some unique qualities of LEDO Pizza that come from its long history. People often ask why LEDO Pizza is rectangular. The round pizza pans commonly seen today were very new in the fifties. Rectangular baking pans were readily available, hence the square pizza. Since that time, round pans have become the rage as pizza operators are able to cut costs by giving the appearance of more, while actually offering less. Our thick pepperoni is also a LEDO trademark. Its unique size resulted from the cooks cutting the pepperoni by hand. The thicker the slice, the faster the work was finished. The customers loved it so much we kept doing it that way. While our entrees and subs have a somewhat shorter history, they have become famous as well. All of our subs are made with freshly baked bread and stuffed with our favorite items. Our Italian salad is large enough for a meal and comes with our famous LEDO salad dressing. Other delicious entrees include lasagna, spaghetti, soup, salad, and breadsticks.