Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
Legislative OfficesBritish Columbia, Canada501-1000 Employees
The Legislative Assembly of British Columbia is the elected parliament for the Province of British Columbia, Canada, in the provincial capital, Victoria. There are currently 85 Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs), representing the 85 electoral districts across the province. The Legislative Assembly’s key functions are to: make laws; authorize expenditures and taxes; and undertake legislative oversight. The Legislative Assembly fulfills its oversight role through a variety of means, including debates, Question Period, Committee of the Whole consideration of bills, Committee of Supply consideration of the Estimates, and the work of parliamentary committees. The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly is elected by its Members to serve as the Presiding Officer. The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly is the senior permanent officer and procedural advisor to the Speaker and all Members, with responsibility for the administrative and financial operations of the Assembly. Eight non-partisan statutory officers support the work of the Legislative Assembly’s Members by carrying out important functions, from the monitoring of government programs and performance to ensuring compliance with provincial laws. For more information about the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, please visit our website at www.leg.bc.ca