ManufacturingLochem, Netherlands201-500 Employees
This is not a brand which exists of plastic boxes, plates, cups or products to carry food in. This is Mepal! With full dedication we invent solutions to make your life easier and more fun. A lot of thought goes into developing beautiful and original products which will allow you to enjoy the nicest moments of your life, because you can trust the quality and cleverness they offer. We are there for you and for everyone close to you. Everyday of your life. We are there during all the little moments which make life what it is. We are there on your first day at school, when you don’t want to let go of dad’s hand, but luckily also forget about him shortly after. We are there when you surprise your colleagues at work with the home baked quiche you made yesterday. We are there at the beach providing pieces of melon with happy faces. We are there when you go camping, eating and enjoying precious time together with the entire family. We are always there, wherever life may take you. For all those moments. We make the best memories together. So please take us along. We are unbreakable. Mepal. Forever.