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Micro Matic Norge AS Tech Stack

Micro Matic Norge AS uses 8 technology products and services including Jonas, Cloudflare, Next.js, and more. Explore Micro Matic Norge AS's tech stack below.

  • Jonas
    Communication And Collaboration
  • Cloudflare
    Content Management System
  • Next.js
    Javascript Frameworks
  • React
    Javascript Frameworks
  • Smarte
    Marketing Data Providers
  • Cloudflare Bot Management
  • Google Tag Manager
    Tag Management
  • AddThis

Media & News

Micro Matic Norge AS's Email Address Formats

Micro Matic Norge AS uses at least 1 format(s):
Micro Matic Norge AS Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Micro Matic Norge AS's headquarters located?

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Micro Matic Norge AS's main headquarters is located at Nye Vakaasvei 28 Hvalstad, 1379 NO. The company has employees across 2 continents, including EuropeNorth America.

What is Micro Matic Norge AS's official website and social media links?

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Micro Matic Norge AS's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does Micro Matic Norge AS generate?

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As of November 2024, Micro Matic Norge AS's annual revenue reached $15M.

What is Micro Matic Norge AS's NAICS code?

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Micro Matic Norge AS's NAICS code is 335 - Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing.

How many employees does Micro Matic Norge AS have currently?

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As of November 2024, Micro Matic Norge AS has approximately 73 employees across 2 continents, including EuropeNorth America. Key team members include Chief Financial Officer: S. F.Head Of Marketing And E-Commerce: M. K. H.Daglig Leder/ Ceo: K. K.. Explore Micro Matic Norge AS's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Micro Matic Norge AS belong to?

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Micro Matic Norge AS operates in the Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing industry.

What technology does Micro Matic Norge AS use?

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Micro Matic Norge AS's tech stack includes JonasCloudflareNext.jsReactSmarteCloudflare Bot ManagementGoogle Tag ManagerAddThis.

What is Micro Matic Norge AS's email format?

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Micro Matic Norge AS's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Micro Matic Norge AS email formats with LeadIQ.

When was Micro Matic Norge AS founded?

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Micro Matic Norge AS was founded in 1969.
Micro Matic Norge AS

Micro Matic Norge AS

Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics ManufacturingHvalstad, Norway51-200 Employees

Micro Matic Norge leverer smarte løsninger og kompetanse innen segmentene elektro og HVAC.

Vi markedsfører og leverer styringssystemer for kontroll av lys, varme, lyd og ventilasjon samt smarthusløsninger. Vi er en importør og selger våre varer gjennom grossist og elektriker.

Vi har lang erfaring og god ekspertise innenfor bransjen. Våre utvalgte leverandører er blant de fremste i Europa innenfor sine satsningsområder. Dette sikrer at vi kan oppfylle vår målsetting om å være ledende når det gjelder å tilby nye og innovative løsninger.

Energiøkonomi, kombinert med design og komfort, er en fellesbetegnelse for mange av våre produkter.

Section iconCompany Overview

Nye Vakaasvei 28 Hvalstad, 1379 NO
335 - Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing

Section iconMedia & News

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M$50M

    Micro Matic Norge AS's revenue is in the range of $10M$50M

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M$50M

    Micro Matic Norge AS's revenue is in the range of $10M$50M

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