Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze
Government AdministrationLazio, Italy1001-5000 Employees
The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) carries out the tasks and responsibilities of the State in the fields of economic policy, financial policy, budgeting, and tax policies. Additionally, it carries out all activities related to the coordination of public spending and its oversight, planning of public investments, monitoring and oversight of public financial management, public debt management, and of State stockholdings. (Tasks and responsibilities) In actively managing economic and financial policy, the Ministry: Drafts economic and financial policy guidelines and coordinates public finance intervention in keeping with the stability and convergence criteria established by the EU; Drafts economic and financial projections and monitors general spending and revenue trends; Prepares the revenue and financial accounts for public administrations, oversees all phases of the national budget, and assesses the economic and financial effects of laws and policies; Drafts public finance documents; Manages the State’s stock portfolio. (Organization) The Ministry comprises the following departments: Department of the Treasury State General Accounting Department Department of Finance Department of General Administration, Personnel, and Services