Acquisition Potential Mode Analytics was acquired by ThoughtSpot for $200M, indicating strong market value and potential synergies for cross-selling opportunities with ThoughtSpot's customer base.
Business Intelligence Leader Being recognized as a Business Intelligence Leader positions Mode Analytics as a trusted solution provider, opening doors for partnership opportunities with companies seeking best-in-class analytics platforms.
New Product Launches Recent launches of new solutions like the payments solution and Helix demonstrate Mode's commitment to innovation, providing sales representatives with fresh offerings to attract new customers and upsell to existing ones.
Strategic Partnerships Forming a partnership with Snowflake empowers Mode Analytics to leverage data analytics capabilities, presenting sales development representatives with opportunities to collaborate on integrated solutions for clients using Snowflake's cloud data platform.
Series D Funding Securing $33 million in Series D funding signifies investor confidence and financial stability, highlighting growth potential that can be leveraged to attract new clients, especially those seeking to partner with well-supported and expanding companies.