NABCA Email Format
Non-profit OrganizationsVirginia, United States11-50 Employees
Founded in 1938, NABCA is the national association representing the Control State Systems - those jurisdictions that directly control the distribution and sale of beverage alcohol within their borders. NABCA’s mission is to support alcohol control systems by providing RESOURCES, compiling RESEARCH and fostering RELATIONSHIPS to address POLICY for the responsible sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Headquartered in the Washington, DC, area, NABCA serves its members as an information clearinghouse and as liaison to federal, state and local governments, research and advocacy groups, and other organizations impacting alcohol policy. Management of NABCA is vested in its Board of Directors with one director from each of the voting member Control Jurisdictions and a Chairman elected by the Board annually. Day-to-day administration is the responsibility of a full-time President & CEO and staff.