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Neighborhood Services Organization Tech Stack

Neighborhood Services Organization uses 8 technology products and services including QuickBooks, Twitter Emoji (Twemoji), Typekit, and more. Explore Neighborhood Services Organization's tech stack below.

  • QuickBooks
    Accounting And Finance
  • Twitter Emoji (Twemoji)
    Font Scripts
  • Typekit
    Font Scripts
  • RevenueWell
    Healthcare Marketing
  • Slick
    Javascript Libraries
  • jQuery
    Javascript Libraries
  • Open Graph
  • Gravity Forms
    Web Platform Extensions

Neighborhood Services Organization's Email Address Formats

Neighborhood Services Organization uses at least 1 format(s):
Neighborhood Services Organization Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Neighborhood Services Organization's headquarters located?

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Neighborhood Services Organization's main headquarters is located at 431 SW 11th St Oklahoma City, OK 73109 United States. The company has employees across 1 continents, including North America.

What is Neighborhood Services Organization's phone number?

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You can contact Neighborhood Services Organization's main corporate office by phone at . For more prospecting data, LeadIQ has access to up-to-date and accurate contact information within our platform. Find, capture, and sync contact data to your CRM and sales tools in one click.

What is Neighborhood Services Organization's official website and social media links?

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Neighborhood Services Organization's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

What is Neighborhood Services Organization's SIC code NAICS code?

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Neighborhood Services Organization's SIC code is 8399 - Social Services, Not Elsewhere Classified NAICS code is 624221 - Temporary Shelters.

How many employees does Neighborhood Services Organization have currently?

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As of December 2024, Neighborhood Services Organization has approximately 11 employees across 1 continents, including North America. Key team members include Director Of Dentistry: A. M.Director Of Development And Communications: L. B.Public Relations And Communications Manager: A. H.. Explore Neighborhood Services Organization's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Neighborhood Services Organization belong to?

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Neighborhood Services Organization operates in the Individual and Family Services industry.

What technology does Neighborhood Services Organization use?

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Neighborhood Services Organization's tech stack includes QuickBooksTwitter Emoji (Twemoji)TypekitRevenueWellSlickjQueryOpen GraphGravity Forms.

What is Neighborhood Services Organization's email format?

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Neighborhood Services Organization's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Neighborhood Services Organization email formats with LeadIQ.
Neighborhood Services Organization

Neighborhood Services Organization

Individual and Family ServicesOklahoma, United States11-50 Employees

Neighborhood Services Organization (NSO) is a 95 year-old nonprofit serving the at-risk and homeless of the Oklahoma City community. Our programs provide housing solutions and teach skills to transform lives. We offer: Transitional housing for those who need help gaining independence, like women escaping domestic violence and homeless young men who have aged out of foster care Permanent, supportive housing for homeless adults with a mental illness who would otherwise be living on the streets Rental assistance programs to help prevent families from becoming homeless A dental clinic offering affordable, general dental care to the low-income and uninsured A women, infants and children (WIC) clinic that provides supplemental nutrition and education to women who are pregnant and children up to age 5. Last year, we touched the lives of over 72,000 individuals.

Section iconCompany Overview

431 SW 11th St Oklahoma City, OK 73109 United States
Phone number
SIC Code
8399 - Social Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
624221 - Temporary Shelters

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M

    Neighborhood Services Organization's revenue is in the range of $10M

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M

    Neighborhood Services Organization's revenue is in the range of $10M

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