Advertising ServicesNew York, United States11-50 Employees
Neuro-Insight is a neuromarketing and neuroanalytics company that uses unique brain-imaging technology to measure how the brain responds to communications. We are the only company in the world licensed to use this patented technology, enabling us to measure second by second changes in brain activity. This allows us to deliver unique consumer insight, and reveal how a piece of design or advertising is affecting people at both a rational and an emotional level. The technology used by Neuro-Insight, known as Steady-State Topography (SST), measures neural processing speed at the scalp in order to build a second by second picture of activity in the brain. It has been validated by research and used in scientific and clinical research applications for over fifteen years before becoming a neuromarketing tool. The technology was first developed by Professor Richard Silberstein and his co-workers, Geoffrey Nield and David Simpson, at the Swinburne University of Technology. Neuro-Insight, based in Melbourne, Australia has been operating commercially as a market research company. A leader in in the field of Neuromarketing since 2005, it now has a strong global presence with operations in the US, UK, Europe and Asia-Pacific. All of our activities are carried out in strict accordance with an ethical policy, set up to ensure that we operate only in areas in which we believe the use of brain imaging to be appropriate and ethical, and that we always respect the privacy of respondents.