Openfolio Email Format
Technology, Information and InternetNew York, United States2-10 Employees
Openfolio is a platform that changes the way investors think about and measure their portfolio performance. Our product is designed to focus on the power of performance comparison against our community-sourced, social benchmarks. Not only do our benchmarks provide more relevant insights than traditional indexes like the S&P 500, the social aspect of our platform helps take the fear out of investing as users feel they are not navigating the markets on their own. Moreover, our benchmarks act as social validation tools to motivate users to become smarter investors and focus on long term growth. Our primary social benchmark is the Openfolio Investor Average which measures the aggregate performance of all users who have connected portfolios to our platform. Being comprised entirely of real portfolios from real investors, this benchmark is a more relevant barometer for individual investors than the traditional stock-focused indexes. Additionally, after gathering more information from our users such as age, income, and investable assets, we create an Investors Like You benchmark based on data from other users who most match their profile. This custom benchmark offers a more specific measuring tool to check your performance against your closest peer set.