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AccountingBishop's Stortford, Cambridge, Norwich, London, United Kingdom201-500 Employees
Price Bailey is a leading firm of chartered accountants and business advisers with offices throughout East Anglia, London and Guernsey serving local SMEs, private clients and regional, national and international businesses. At Price Bailey we offer consultancy and planning skills to complement the traditional accounting, tax and financial services you expect from an accountancy firm. See our services for details. We strive to provide the services which small and medium businesses and individuals need. This includes the right blend of consultancy and planning skills to complement the more routine accountancy, tax and financial services work you might expect. As clients you will have complex and interesting questions you want help with. We concentrate on the quality of the answers we can give you and the success of the solutions we help you to achieve. We have always maintained a modern approach to business. We were one of the first firms in the UK to adopt the Limited Liability Partnership approach which has helped us improve our management structure. We now operate with a democratically elected board of directors, chosen from the members. The result is that you benefit because we are more responsive than ever to changes in the business environment.