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Primal Health Coach Institute Tech Stack

Primal Health Coach Institute uses 8 technology products and services including Google Conversion Tracking, Lodash, jQuery, and more. Explore Primal Health Coach Institute's tech stack below.

  • Google Conversion Tracking
    Advertising Networks
  • Lodash
    Javascript Libraries
  • jQuery
    Javascript Libraries
  • OWL Carousel
    Javascript Libraries
  • Lightbox
    Javascript Libraries
  • Thinkific
    Learning Management System
  • Thrive Leads
    Web Platform Extensions
  • OpenResty
    Web Servers

Media & News

Primal Health Coach Institute's Email Address Formats

Primal Health Coach Institute uses at least 1 format(s):
Primal Health Coach Institute Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Primal Health Coach Institute's headquarters located?

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Primal Health Coach Institute's main headquarters is located at 100 South Pointe Drive, Suite 1106 Miami Beach, FL 33139 US. The company has employees across 4 continents, including North AmericaEuropeAfrica.

What is Primal Health Coach Institute's official website and social media links?

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Primal Health Coach Institute's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does Primal Health Coach Institute generate?

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As of October 2024, Primal Health Coach Institute's annual revenue reached $3.8M.

What is Primal Health Coach Institute's SIC code NAICS code?

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Primal Health Coach Institute's SIC code is 8099 - Health and Allied Services, Not Elsewhere Classified NAICS code is 325412 - Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing.

How many employees does Primal Health Coach Institute have currently?

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As of October 2024, Primal Health Coach Institute has approximately 57 employees across 4 continents, including North AmericaEuropeAfrica. Key team members include Co-Founder And Ceo: A. F.Owner: G. S.Ceo & Content Creator @ Jennifermichelle.Co: J. E.. Explore Primal Health Coach Institute's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Primal Health Coach Institute belong to?

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Primal Health Coach Institute operates in the Wellness and Fitness Services industry.

What technology does Primal Health Coach Institute use?

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Primal Health Coach Institute's tech stack includes Google Conversion TrackingLodashjQueryOWL CarouselLightboxThinkificThrive LeadsOpenResty.

What is Primal Health Coach Institute's email format?

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Primal Health Coach Institute's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Primal Health Coach Institute email formats with LeadIQ.

When was Primal Health Coach Institute founded?

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Primal Health Coach Institute was founded in 2014.
Primal Health Coach Institute

Primal Health Coach Institute

Wellness and Fitness ServicesFlorida, United States51-200 Employees

Forbes has declared health coaching to be a $4 billion industry and growing. The Primal Health Coach Institute certification is the pre-eminent health coaching program in the ancestral health space, with thousands of students and graduates making a difference in the world. 

Built on a foundation of best-selling health, wellness, and lifestyle book, The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson, the Primal Health Coach Institute program leads students through a deep understanding of evolutionary nutrition, diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle behaviors; coaching skills, techniques and tasks; business building, sales, marketing, and programming. 

Primal Health Coaches are a global tribe of like-minded wellness professionals that span a broad spectrum of categories: from fitness, to medical, to food, to business, and more. You can find a Primal Health Coach that can help dial in your optimal human experience in whatever manner you need.

Section iconCompany Overview

100 South Pointe Drive, Suite 1106 Miami Beach, FL 33139 US
SIC Code
8099 - Health and Allied Services, Not Elsewhere Classified
325412 - Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing

Section iconMedia & News

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M

    Primal Health Coach Institute's revenue is in the range of $10M

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M

    Primal Health Coach Institute's revenue is in the range of $10M

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