Testonica Lab
IT Services and IT ConsultingTallinn, Estonia11-50 Employees
Testonica Lab is an R&D company acting in the sectors of Information Technologies and Electronics Production. We participates in numerous R&D programmes financed by European Commission and national scientific authorities. Our engineers are closely cooperating with technology leaders as Ericsson, IBM, GOEPEL electronic, and ASTER Technologies. Testonica Lab delivers the complete range of IT services from consultation and software development to integration and maintenance. Thus we are able to translate Your business opportunities into requirements and provide You with a software solution that meets the needs of Your business. We also develop and provide cost efficient tools and services in the field of Electronics Production test and design for test solutions. Our primary area of activities here is Boundary Scan (JTAG) and its extended advanced applications. To name some examples, ChipVORX Flash Accelerator, developed by Testonica Lab in cooperation with a German company GOEPEL electronic. Testonica Lab is located in a science park, where it can share research personnel with the alma mater. Due to a strategic location, Testonica Lab has the best possible access to young talents and we do our best to attract the most prominent students to start a professional carrier in a friendly R&D team of our company. Fve PhD holders belong currently to the team of the company. Testonica Lab will be happy to be your reliable partner in innovative test technologies!