Protection-focused services The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services specializes in safeguarding vulnerable populations, such as children, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities, from various forms of abuse and exploitation. This presents an opportunity to offer complementary products or services that enhance their protective capabilities.
Large employee base With over 12,000 dedicated workers, DFPS has a sizable workforce committed to fulfilling its mission. This extensive employee base indicates a potential market for solutions catering to employee engagement, training, and management to boost operational efficiency.
Mission-driven organization DFPS upholds a clear Mission, Vision, & Values statement, reflecting a strong commitment to serving the 27 million citizens of Texas. Aligning sales pitches with these core values can establish a rapport based on shared goals and foster long-term partnerships.
Technology-enabled operations Utilizing a diverse tech stack that includes Power BI, Office 365, TypeScript, and more, DFPS demonstrates a tech-savvy approach towards service delivery. This opens up opportunities for offering tech solutions, consultancy services, or integrations geared towards enhancing their operational efficiency.
Market comparison By benchmarking against similar entities like the California and Florida state departments, potential gaps or areas for improvement in DFPS's operations can be identified. Tailoring sales strategies to address these comparative insights can lead to targeted business development efforts.