Financial ServicesCITY OF LONDON, , United Kingdom51-200 Employees
The Investing and Saving Alliance (TISA) is a unique and rapidly growing membership organisation. Our mission is to work with our industry members to improve the financial wellbeing of all UK consumers to deliver practical solutions and devise innovative, evidence-based strategic proposals for government, policymakers and regulators that address major consumer issues. TISA is a not-for-profit membership organisation and a trusted partner of key industry stakeholders in helping shape the future of the UK financial services and the environment in which we operate. We have over 250-member firms involved in the supply and distribution of savings, investment products and associated services, including the UK’s major investment managers, banks, online platforms, insurance and pension providers, distributors, building societies, wealth managers, FinTechs, financial consultants and more. With a focus on three strategic pillars of work to best support the consumer and UK financial services, TISA has become a major industry delivery organisation for consumer focused and digital industry infrastructure initiatives: 1. Build Strategic policy initiatives that influence policy makers regarding the financial wellbeing of UK consumers & thereby enhancing the environment within which the industry operates in the key areas of consumer guidance, retirement planning, later lifetime lending, vulnerable customers, financial education, savings and investments; 2. Provide expert technical support to members on a range of operational and regulatory issues targeted at improving infrastructure and processes, establishing standards of good practice and the interpretation and implementation of new rules and regulations covering ISAs, MiFID II, CASS, ESG/RSI, operational resilience, Cyber Risk, SM&CR and a range of other areas, and 3. To transform our industry architecture by building digital transformation initiatives that are driving ground-breaking innovation. TISA has become a ma