Leadership Development Award TriMet received the prestigious Brandon Hall Group bronze award for excellence in the 'Best Leadership Development Program' category. This recognition showcases the company's commitment to leadership development and signifies a potential sales opportunity for consulting services or programs related to talent development.
Cloud-Based Signalling Innovation TriMet is developing cloud-based signalling technology to enhance traffic flow, efficiency, safety, and reduce carbon emissions. This technological advancement presents a potential sales avenue for software solutions, IoT devices, or consulting services tailored towards improving public transportation systems.
MAX Red Line Extension TriMet recently launched the MAX Red Line extension, expanding its transit services. This expansion indicates a potential sales opportunity for suppliers or vendors providing infrastructure, vehicle, or technology solutions to support and optimize the extended transit network.
Top Workplace Recognition Forbes Magazine ranked TriMet as one of the top five places to work in Oregon. This accolade highlights the company's employee-centric approach and could be leveraged as a sales angle to promote products or services focused on employee engagement, wellbeing, or organizational culture enhancement.
Enhanced Security Measures TriMet introduced 'blue-light security phones' at MAX stations to bolster safety. This initiative indicates a potential sales opportunity for security equipment providers, emergency communication system vendors, or security consulting firms looking to collaborate with TriMet on enhancing passenger safety and security infrastructure.