Warwick High School Email Format
Primary and Secondary EducationUnited States51-200 Employees
Warwick High School is a grade 9-12 configuration with a population of just under 1,700 students. Students are drawn from the Borough of Lititz as well as Warwick and Elizabeth Townships. As are the other buildings in the district, Warwick School is very much a part of the community it serves. Warwick enjoys a rich tradition of community support for its educational programs and its cocurricular and extracurricular activities. Well-purposed parent organizations provide support and encouragement for school activities and take great pride in the accomplishments of our students. A strong bond of support, cooperation, and trust exists between the community, parents, students and school personnel. This positive relationship has had much to do with the success of Warwick High School over the years. Warwick High School is a modern facility situated on a 38 acre campus, which includes ample space for interscholastic sports fields and community recreation activities. The High School building was recently renovated to meet the needs of a growing community and expanding curriculum. Spacious, well lighted classrooms, state-of-the-art computer laboratory facilities, well appointed science lab/classrooms, a distance learning classroom, broadcast studio, technology education lab/classrooms, a modern and spacious library/research center, auditorium, gymnasia and art studio/classrooms reflect the school district’s efforts to provide the facilities needed to support a program of quality education.