Hospitality11-50 Employees
In the tradition of the grand French country chateau, Wheatleigh combines exceptional personal service and extraordinary cuisine with the elegance and comfort of the 21st century. Wheatleigh is 19 room luxury hotel nestled on 22 acres overlooking the Berkshire mountains and lake. The Hotel is home to a five diamond restaurant and award winning wine list. Wheatleigh was built in 1893 by Henry H. Cook as a wedding present for his daughter, Georgie. Designed by the prominent Boston architectural firm of Peabody and Stearns based on a 16th century Florentine palazzo. Many of the materials and over 150 artisans were brought from Italy to accomplish the intricate carvings both interior and exterior. Frederick Law Olmsted, the landscape architect who designed Central Park in New York, was responsible for creating “Wheatleigh Park” on the land surrounding the palazzo. During the “Gilded Age” Wheatleigh was the site of many grand parties and musical events. Today, Wheatleigh is privately owned and is one of the smallest member of the Leading Hotels of the World featuring one of the best dining rooms on the east coast. Wheatleigh is open year-round.