ConstructionUnited States11-50 Employees
Please refer to Pengo's website for a listing of wear parts and augers for the construction industry.
New Territory Manager Pengo Attachments recently hired Gregory Carroll as Territory Manager for the Southern Region, indicating a focus on expanding sales efforts in that area. Leveraging his experience, Pengo can potentially unlock new market segments and enhance customer relationships.
Technology Stack Pengo's tech stack includes tools like Google Analytics, SOLIDWORKS, and Google Tag Manager, enabling streamlined processes and data-driven decision-making. Leveraging these technologies effectively can allow for targeted marketing strategies to drive sales growth.
Revenue Potential With a revenue in the range of $0 - 10M, Pengo has room for scalable growth and improvement in sales performance. Identifying key markets, optimizing pricing strategies, and enhancing customer acquisition can help Pengo maximize its revenue potential.
Competitive Landscape In a landscape with companies like Net at Work and Gradient, Pengo can differentiate itself through unique value propositions and tailored sales approaches. Understanding competitors' weaknesses and strengths can give Pengo a competitive edge in acquiring new customers.
Employee Engagement With a workforce of 11-50 employees, Pengo's team size allows for agility and personalized customer interactions. Investing in employee training and engagement can lead to improved sales performance, as motivated employees often translate into satisfied customers.
1 uses 8 technology products and services including Varnish, Amazon Web Services, Paladin, and more. Explore 1's tech stack below.
1 Email Formats | Percentage |
FLast@pengoattachments.com | 89% |
FirstLast@pengoattachments.com | 7% |
FirstL@pengoattachments.com | 2% |
First@pengoattachments.com | 2% |
ConstructionUnited States11-50 Employees
Please refer to Pengo's website for a listing of wear parts and augers for the construction industry.
1's revenue is in the range of $10M
1's revenue is in the range of $10M