
Digital Real Estate Marketplace 100 Ladrillos operates a digital platform for buying and selling income-generating real estate properties in Mexico, offering opportunities for investors to own and benefit from rental income and property value appreciation through fractional ownership.

Technology Infrastructure The company employs a robust tech stack that includes tools like HubSpot Analytics, Amazon S3, and WordPress to facilitate seamless property transactions and engagement with potential investors, showcasing a commitment to leveraging technology in the real estate sector.

Revenue Potential With estimated annual revenues ranging between $10M and $50M, 100 Ladrillos presents significant revenue potential, indicating a successful business model and appealing market traction that could translate into lucrative sales opportunities for prospective partners and investors.

Market Expansion Despite a lack of disclosed funding information, 100 Ladrillos operates in a competitive landscape with companies like AURA home, suggesting room for market expansion and strategic partnerships to enhance visibility and drive sales growth beyond its current standing in the industry.

Investor Engagement The fractional ownership model offered by 100 Ladrillos provides unique selling points for engaging with potential investors seeking diversified real estate investments, creating an attractive proposition for sales development representatives to capitalize on to drive investment interest and boost revenue streams.

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100 Ladrillos Tech Stack

100 Ladrillos uses 8 technology products and services including HubSpot Analytics, Amazon S3, WordPress, and more. Explore 100 Ladrillos's tech stack below.

  • HubSpot Analytics
  • Amazon S3
    Content Delivery Network
  • WordPress
    Content Management System
  • Modernizr
    Javascript Libraries
  • Select2
    Javascript Libraries
  • Lightbox
    Javascript Libraries
  • HubSpot
    Marketing Automation
  • PWA

Media & News

100 Ladrillos's Email Address Formats

100 Ladrillos uses at least 1 format(s):
100 Ladrillos Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is 100 Ladrillos's headquarters located?

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100 Ladrillos's main headquarters is located at Av Vallarta 4983-A Guadalajara, Jalisco 45020 MX. The company has employees across 3 continents, including North AmericaSouth AmericaEurope.

What is 100 Ladrillos's official website and social media links?

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100 Ladrillos's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does 100 Ladrillos generate?

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As of October 2024, 100 Ladrillos's annual revenue reached $15M.

How many employees does 100 Ladrillos have currently?

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As of October 2024, 100 Ladrillos has approximately 90 employees across 3 continents, including North AmericaSouth AmericaEurope. Key team members include Head Of Product: G. R.Head Of People: E. R.Ceo: H. B. C.. Explore 100 Ladrillos's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does 100 Ladrillos belong to?

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100 Ladrillos operates in the Real Estate industry.

What technology does 100 Ladrillos use?

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100 Ladrillos's tech stack includes HubSpot AnalyticsAmazon S3WordPressModernizrSelect2LightboxHubSpotPWA.

What is 100 Ladrillos's email format?

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100 Ladrillos's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more 100 Ladrillos email formats with LeadIQ.

When was 100 Ladrillos founded?

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100 Ladrillos was founded in 2017.
100 Ladrillos

100 Ladrillos

Real EstateJalisco, Mexico51-200 Employees

Somos una plataforma digital donde se compran y venden inmuebles que generan renta y plusvalÍa, divididos en participaciones inmobiliarias las cuales les llamamos Ladrillos.

Puedes mantener tus ladrillos y recibir rentas mientras la plusvalía de tus propiedades incrementa o bien, puedes vender en cualquier momento tus ladrillos y obtener rendimientos.

Section iconCompany Overview

Av Vallarta 4983-A Guadalajara, Jalisco 45020 MX

Section iconMedia & News

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M$50M

    100 Ladrillos's revenue is in the range of $10M$50M

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M$50M

    100 Ladrillos's revenue is in the range of $10M$50M

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