Business Consulting and ServicesFrance2-10 Employees
20-first.com - building gender balanced businesses 20-first is one of the world’s leading gender consultancies. It works with progressive companies wanting to tap into 100% of the market and 100% of the talent pool. FROM FIX THE WOMEN… Many companies would like to be more gender balanced. Many have tried hard, created women’s networks, mentoring programmes and female leadership training. At 20-first, we suggest (politely) that they miss the point by assuming that today’s imbalance is caused by something women lack (skill, will or background). … TO FIX THE COMPANY Instead, we invite CEOs to ask ‘What’s wrong with our company if we can’t attract, retain and promote the majority of today’s educated talent and connect with the majority of consumers in an ever-expanding range of sectors?’ IT TAKES LEADERSHIP, LEADERSHIP, LEADERSHIP 20-first advises companies on modern leadership and organisational effectiveness: global trends in gender, why balance matters, how to implement it, and how to unlock new market opportunities and increase customer satisfaction.