
Growing tech company Accountor HR Solutions Oy is a rapidly growing tech company offering innovative HR software solutions with a revenue range of $10M - 50M, indicating a significant market presence and potential for expansion.

Comprehensive product portfolio With a suite of leading domestic SaaS products like Mepco, TyövuoroVelho, MaraPlan Pro, and Mepco Keikat, Accountor HR Solutions Oy has a diverse offering that caters to various HR needs, presenting cross-selling opportunities within their existing customer base.

Focus on customer experience Accountor HR Solutions Oy emphasizes creating a better work environment for its customers, believing that a positive employee experience leads to excellent customer service. This customer-centric approach presents upselling opportunities by aligning additional services with enhancing user satisfaction.

Sustainability at the core The company places a strong emphasis on sustainability, focusing on secure data handling and prioritizing people's well-being. Leveraging this commitment to sustainability can open doors for engaging with eco-conscious clients looking for socially responsible partners.

Market presence and competitive positioning Accountor HR Solutions Oy is a key player in the competitive HR tech market, with an employee base of 201-500 employees. Leveraging this standing, there are opportunities to highlight the company's market presence and technological expertise to secure partnerships and collaborations.

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Accountor HR Solutions Oy Tech Stack

Accountor HR Solutions Oy uses 8 technology products and services including Facebook Pixel, jQuery CDN, RSS, and more. Explore Accountor HR Solutions Oy's tech stack below.

  • Facebook Pixel
  • jQuery CDN
    Content Delivery Network
  • RSS
    Content Management System
  • jQuery
    Javascript Libraries
  • Keen-Slider
    Javascript Libraries
  • Priority Hints
  • Apache HTTP Server
    Web Servers
  • Nginx
    Web Servers

Media & News

Accountor HR Solutions Oy's Email Address Formats

Accountor HR Solutions Oy uses at least 2 format(s):
Accountor HR Solutions Oy Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Accountor HR Solutions Oy's headquarters located?

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Accountor HR Solutions Oy's main headquarters is located at Keilaniementie 1 Espoo, Southern Finland 02150 FI. The company has employees across 2 continents, including EuropeNorth America.

What is Accountor HR Solutions Oy's official website and social media links?

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Accountor HR Solutions Oy's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does Accountor HR Solutions Oy generate?

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As of December 2024, Accountor HR Solutions Oy's annual revenue reached $35M.

What is Accountor HR Solutions Oy's NAICS code?

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Accountor HR Solutions Oy's NAICS code is 5112 - Software Publishers.

How many employees does Accountor HR Solutions Oy have currently?

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As of December 2024, Accountor HR Solutions Oy has approximately 208 employees across 2 continents, including EuropeNorth America. Key team members include Head Of Product Management: H. K.Head Of Business Development: P. O.Head Of Product, Accountor Hr Solutions: J. A.. Explore Accountor HR Solutions Oy's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Accountor HR Solutions Oy belong to?

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Accountor HR Solutions Oy operates in the Software Development industry.

What technology does Accountor HR Solutions Oy use?

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Accountor HR Solutions Oy's tech stack includes Facebook PixeljQuery CDNRSSjQueryKeen-SliderPriority HintsApache HTTP ServerNginx.

What is Accountor HR Solutions Oy's email format?

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Accountor HR Solutions Oy's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Accountor HR Solutions Oy email formats with LeadIQ.

When was Accountor HR Solutions Oy founded?

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Accountor HR Solutions Oy was founded in 2003.
Accountor HR Solutions Oy

Accountor HR Solutions Oy

Software DevelopmentSouthern Finland, Finland201-500 Employees

Accountor HR Solutions Oy on kasvuyhtiö, joka toimittaa itse kehittämiämme tuotteita tuhansille asiakkaille. Tuotteemme Mepco Total on Suomen kattavin työelämän ohjelmistoperhe. 

Accountor on johtava pilvipohjaisten talous- ja henkilöstöhallinnon B2B SaaS-ohjelmistoratkaisujen sekä digitalisoitujen ulkoistuspalvelujen toimittaja.  Koko konserni työllistää jo yli 2400 ammattilaista 6 maassa. Tavoitteemme on mahdollistaa asiakkaillemme uusimmat teknologiset ratkaisut sekä automatisoidut prosessit päivittäiseen liiketoimintaan. Pääkonttorimme sijaitsee Espoossa. Vuonna 2023 Accountor Groupin liikevaihto oli n. 280 miljoonaa euroa.

Me Accountorin HR-ohjelmistoliiketoiminnassa ( HRM, palkat, työaikaratkaisut ) kehitämme ja myymme alan johtavia kotimaisia SaaS-tuotteitamme. Ohjelmistoperheeseemme kuuluvat mm.  Mepco, TyövuoroVelho, MaraPlan Pro ja Mepco Keikat. Tuotteemme ovat laajassa käytössä ja niillä hoidetaan yli 500 000 suomalaisen työsuhteen elinkaaren asioita. Me luomme parempaa työelämää asiakkaillemme ja uskomme, että hyvä henkilöstökokemus tuottaa erinomaista asiakaskokemusta. Vastuullisuus on liiketoimintamme ytimessä ja meille se tarkoittaa luottamuksellista, turvallista tietojen käsittelyä sekä ihmisten asettamista etusijalle.

Section iconCompany Overview

Keilaniementie 1 Espoo, Southern Finland 02150 FI
5112 - Software Publishers

Section iconMedia & News

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M$50M

    Accountor HR Solutions Oy's revenue is in the range of $10M$50M

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $10M$50M

    Accountor HR Solutions Oy's revenue is in the range of $10M$50M

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