
Strategic Partnerships Applied Industrial Technologies has established strategic partnerships with notable companies like WIDER Yachts and Mayhew, providing opportunities for cross-selling and leveraging these relationships for business expansion.

Recent Acquisitions Through recent acquisitions of Bearing Distributors Inc. and Cangro Industries, Applied Industrial Technologies has expanded its product portfolio and market reach, creating potential sales growth by tapping into new customer bases.

New Product Catalog The launch of the 2023/2024 Applied Product Catalog presents a prime opportunity for sales development representatives to showcase the latest offerings to existing and prospective clients, driving revenue through product upselling and cross-selling.

Tech-Driven Solutions With a notable tech stack including Salesforce and SAP Commerce Cloud, Applied Industrial Technologies is well-equipped to offer innovative solutions to clients, providing a competitive edge for sales representatives in pitching advanced technological products and services.

Private Equity Acquisition The acquisition of Applied Industrial Technologies by Greybull Capital LLP offers a unique position for sales professionals to tap into additional resources and expertise, potentially unlocking new avenues for sales growth and market expansion.

Applied Industrial Technologies Tech Stack

Applied Industrial Technologies uses 8 technology products and services including QuickBooks, Ruxit, Dealertrack, and more. Explore Applied Industrial Technologies's tech stack below.

  • QuickBooks
    Accounting And Finance
  • Ruxit
  • Dealertrack
    Automotive Marketing
  • Cloudflare
    Content Management System
  • Salesforce
    Customer Relationship Management
  • SAP Commerce Cloud
  • DreamWeaver
  • Cloudflare Bot Management

Media & News

Applied Industrial Technologies's Email Address Formats

Applied Industrial Technologies uses at least 1 format(s):
Applied Industrial Technologies Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Applied Industrial Technologies's headquarters located?

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Applied Industrial Technologies's main headquarters is located at 1 Applied Plaza 3600 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 US. The company has employees across 6 continents, including North AmericaOceaniaAsia.

What is Applied Industrial Technologies's phone number?

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You can contact Applied Industrial Technologies's main corporate office by phone at +1-216-426-4000. For more prospecting data, LeadIQ has access to up-to-date and accurate contact information within our platform. Find, capture, and sync contact data to your CRM and sales tools in one click.

What is Applied Industrial Technologies's stock symbol?

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Applied Industrial Technologies is a publicly traded company; the company's stock symbol is AIT.

What is Applied Industrial Technologies's official website and social media links?

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Applied Industrial Technologies's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does Applied Industrial Technologies generate?

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As of May 2024, Applied Industrial Technologies's annual revenue reached $501B.

What is Applied Industrial Technologies's SIC code NAICS code?

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Applied Industrial Technologies's SIC code is 5084 - Industrial Machinery and Equipment NAICS code is 42 - Wholesale Trade.

How many employees does Applied Industrial Technologies have currently?

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As of May 2024, Applied Industrial Technologies has approximately 3.6K employees across 6 continents, including North AmericaOceaniaAsia. Key team members include Chief Executive Officer: S. S.Chief Executive Officer: M. K.Chief Human Resources Officer: K. L.. Explore Applied Industrial Technologies's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Applied Industrial Technologies belong to?

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Applied Industrial Technologies operates in the Wholesale industry.

What technology does Applied Industrial Technologies use?

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Applied Industrial Technologies's tech stack includes QuickBooksRuxitDealertrackCloudflareSalesforceSAP Commerce CloudDreamWeaverCloudflare Bot Management.

What is Applied Industrial Technologies's email format?

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Applied Industrial Technologies's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Applied Industrial Technologies email formats with LeadIQ.

When was Applied Industrial Technologies founded?

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Applied Industrial Technologies was founded in 1923.
Applied Industrial Technologies

Applied Industrial Technologies

WholesaleOhio, United States5001-10000 Employees

Founded in 1923, Applied Industrial Technologies is a leading value-added distributor and technical solutions provider of industrial motion, fluid power, flow control, automation technologies, and related maintenance supplies. Our leading brands, specialized services, and comprehensive knowledge serve MRO and OEM end users in virtually all industrial markets through our multi-channel capabilities that provide choice, convenience, and expertise.

To learn more, visit

Section iconCompany Overview

1 Applied Plaza 3600 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 US
Phone number
SIC Code
5084 - Industrial Machinery and Equipment
Stock Symbol
42 - Wholesale Trade

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $1B

    Applied Industrial Technologies's revenue is in the range of $1B

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $1B

    Applied Industrial Technologies's revenue is in the range of $1B

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