Celesio AG
Pharmaceutical ManufacturingStuttgart10001+ Employees
On 12 September 2017, Celesio AG has officially announced its renaming to McKesson Europe AG, based on the shareholders’ decision at the Annual General Meeting 2017. Documents of Celesio AG remain documents of McKesson Europe AG. More information can be found in the press release"Renaming: Celesio AG becomes McKesson Europe AG": http://www.mckesson.eu/mck-en/news-press/releases-mckessoneurope/renaming--celesio-ag-becomes-mckesson-europe-ag/29600 Please refer to our new company site: http://www.linkedin.com/company/mckesson-europe Imprint: McKesson Europe AG Stockholmer Platz 1 70173 Stuttgart (Germany) Telephone: +49 711 5001-00 Telefax: +49 711 5001-1260 service@mckessson.eu http://www.facebook.com/mckessoneurope http://twitter.com/mckessoneurope