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Gathering insights about Churches of Christ in Queensland

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Churches of Christ in Queensland Tech Stack

Churches of Christ in Queensland uses 8 technology products and services including Optimise, TurboRecruit, Simon, and more. Explore Churches of Christ in Queensland's tech stack below.

  • Optimise
    Affiliate Advertising Networks
  • TurboRecruit
    Applicant Tracking Systems
  • Simon
    Customer Data Platforms
  • Salesforce
    Customer Relationship Management
  • Microsoft Dynamics
    Enterprise Resource Planning
  • BT
    IT Infrastructure
  • Swiper
    Javascript Libraries
  • Marketo
    Marketing Automation

Media & News

Churches of Christ in Queensland's Email Address Formats

Churches of Christ in Queensland uses at least 2 format(s):
Churches of Christ in Queensland Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Churches of Christ in Queensland's headquarters located?

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Churches of Christ in Queensland's main headquarters is located at 41 Brookfield Road Kenmore, QLD 4069 AU. The company has employees across 5 continents, including OceaniaNorth AmericaAsia.

What is Churches of Christ in Queensland's phone number?

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You can contact Churches of Christ in Queensland's main corporate office by phone at . For more prospecting data, LeadIQ has access to up-to-date and accurate contact information within our platform. Find, capture, and sync contact data to your CRM and sales tools in one click.

What is Churches of Christ in Queensland's official website and social media links?

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Churches of Christ in Queensland's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

How much revenue does Churches of Christ in Queensland generate?

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As of November 2024, Churches of Christ in Queensland's annual revenue reached $750M.

How many employees does Churches of Christ in Queensland have currently?

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As of November 2024, Churches of Christ in Queensland has approximately 1.2K employees across 5 continents, including OceaniaNorth AmericaAsia. Key team members include Chief Executive Officer: B. L.CEO: D. P.Chief Information Officer: G. F.. Explore Churches of Christ in Queensland's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does Churches of Christ in Queensland belong to?

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Churches of Christ in Queensland operates in the Non-profit Organizations industry.

What technology does Churches of Christ in Queensland use?

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Churches of Christ in Queensland's tech stack includes OptimiseTurboRecruitSimonSalesforceMicrosoft DynamicsBTSwiperMarketo.

What is Churches of Christ in Queensland's email format?

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Churches of Christ in Queensland's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more Churches of Christ in Queensland email formats with LeadIQ.

When was Churches of Christ in Queensland founded?

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Churches of Christ in Queensland was founded in 1883.
Churches of Christ in Queensland

Churches of Christ in Queensland

Non-profit OrganizationsQueensland, Australia1001-5000 Employees

Churches of Christ is a church and community organization that includes a group of affiliated, mainstream Christian churches and a range of care and community services and faith-related groups. 

We have been an active part of the community for more than 130 years and are a significant presence within Queensland with over 200 services in more than 100 communities; we also work in partnership with Churches of Christ in Victoria and Tasmania to provide care services in those states through Churches of Christ.

Through our local churches and care and support services we touch tens of thousands of lives each year. We strive to create an inclusive, caring, compassionate environment that meets our clients’ needs without discrimination or prejudice. 

Everyone is welcome to call on our help, regardless of religion, beliefs or background. Our services are funded by a mix of government subsidies, grants, donations, fees and charges.

Identity: Our identity, existence and purpose as an organisation is found in Jesus Christ as revealed in the scriptures.

Values: Modelling unconditional love, behaving with integrity and being good stewards.

Mission: Bringing the light of Christ into communities.

Services: We provide services across Seniors and Supported Living - Residential Aged Care, Home Care and Retirement Living; Children, Youth and Family - Foster and Kinship Care; Housing Support - affordable housing options.

Section iconCompany Overview

41 Brookfield Road Kenmore, QLD 4069 AU
Phone number

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $100M$1B

    Churches of Christ in Queensland's revenue is in the range of $100M$1B

Section iconFunding & Financials

  • $100M$1B

    Churches of Christ in Queensland's revenue is in the range of $100M$1B

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