Recent Acquisitions Datawrkz Group has recently acquired Space & Time Media Ltd and been acquired by Nazara PTE Limited, indicating potential synergies and opportunities for cross-selling services to new client bases.
Expansion into Europe and North America The acquisition of Space & Time for $6.22M has enabled Datawrkz to expand its reach across Europe and North America, opening up new markets and opportunities for sales growth in these regions.
Launch of Vizibl CDP The launch of Vizibl CDP, a data management & analytics platform for small-medium businesses, presents a sales opportunity to target businesses seeking improved customer data management and analytics solutions.
Tech Stack Optimization Utilizing a robust tech stack including PubMatic, Facebook Pixel, and scikit-learn, Datawrkz is equipped to provide cutting-edge digital advertising solutions, offering a competitive edge to sales teams in pitching advanced technology-driven services to clients.
Revenue Range and Peer Comparison With a revenue range of $10M - 50M, Datawrkz operates in a similar financial bracket as companies like Augment and TargetSmart, indicating potential market size and scalability for sales expansion strategies.