Double-Take Software Employee Directory
Software DevelopmentUnited States201-500 Employees
Workload Optimization Solutions Double-Take Software Products ~ Innovation At Its Best Double-Take Software now offers an array of solutions that are inexpensive, simple to use and flexible to meet your IT infrastructure needs. We refer to these solutions as Workload Optimization Solutions. Software that provides the ability to easily: • Workload Migration: P2P, P2V, V2P, V2V • Workload Backup & Recovery: Continuous system backup and on-demand recovery to physical or virtual machines • Workload Availability: Real-time replication and failover for high availability or remote availability of physical and virtual workloads • Workload Flexibility: Network boot and centralized management of workload images Our suite of products allows end-users to “standardize” on Double-Take Software throughout their network for all their Workload Optimization Solutions. See the attached “Double-Take Software Products” data sheet to see the full suite of backup, migration and recovery products that are now available. Then work with your local engineering team to determine what products can help to enhance or improve your existing environment - and we’ll make your budget work.