GraceKennedy Ltd.
Consumer ServicesKingston, Jamaica1001-5000 Employees
GraceKennedy Limited is a publicly listed company on the Stock Exchanges of Jamaica and the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago. The Company was founded on 14 February 1922, and is the parent company of a Group of subsidiaries operating mainly in the Food and Financial Services industries. The Group’s operations are structured into two Divisions: Food Trading: This comprises the business of food manufacturing through our own factories, as well as through external suppliers; the distribution of Grace and Grace-owned brands in Jamaica and internationally; and the operation of retail outlets through our Hi-Lo Supermarket chain in Jamaica. The Group also manufactures and distributes third party brands in Jamaica and internationally. The Food Trading segment operates in Jamaica, the Caribbean, Central America, North America, Africa, the United Kingdom (UK), and several European countries. Financial Services: This comprises our commercial banking, general insurance, insurance brokerage, investment banking, remittance, cambio and payment services businesses. Our Financial Services subsidiaries presently operate within the English-speaking Caribbean.