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JAMK University of Applied Sciences Tech Stack

JAMK University of Applied Sciences uses 8 technology products and services including Google Analytics, Linkedin Insight Tag, Varnish, and more. Explore JAMK University of Applied Sciences's tech stack below.

  • Google Analytics
  • Linkedin Insight Tag
  • Varnish
  • MySQL
  • jQuery UI
    Javascript Libraries
  • PWA
  • Contact Form 7
    Web Platform Extensions
  • OpenSSL
    Web Server Extensions

Media & News

JAMK University of Applied Sciences's Email Address Formats

JAMK University of Applied Sciences uses at least 1 format(s):
JAMK University of Applied Sciences Email FormatsExamplePercentage

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is JAMK University of Applied Sciences's headquarters located?

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JAMK University of Applied Sciences's main headquarters is located at Rajakatu 35 Jyväskylä, 40200 FI. The company has employees across 4 continents, including EuropeNorth AmericaAsia.

What is JAMK University of Applied Sciences's official website and social media links?

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JAMK University of Applied Sciences's official website is and has social profiles on LinkedIn.

What is JAMK University of Applied Sciences's NAICS code?

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JAMK University of Applied Sciences's NAICS code is 6113 - Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools.

How many employees does JAMK University of Applied Sciences have currently?

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As of June 2024, JAMK University of Applied Sciences has approximately 1K employees across 4 continents, including EuropeNorth AmericaAsia. Key team members include Chief Specialist, Head Of R&d | Jamk Institute Of Information Technology: A. P.Chief Specialist: J. P.Head Of Department, School Of Professional Teacher Education: J. K.. Explore JAMK University of Applied Sciences's employee directory with LeadIQ.

What industry does JAMK University of Applied Sciences belong to?

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JAMK University of Applied Sciences operates in the Higher Education industry.

What technology does JAMK University of Applied Sciences use?

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JAMK University of Applied Sciences's tech stack includes Google AnalyticsLinkedin Insight TagVarnishMySQLjQuery UIPWAContact Form 7OpenSSL.

What is JAMK University of Applied Sciences's email format?

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JAMK University of Applied Sciences's email format typically follows the pattern of . Find more JAMK University of Applied Sciences email formats with LeadIQ.
JAMK University of Applied Sciences

JAMK University of Applied Sciences

Higher EducationJyväskylä, Finland1001-5000 Employees

Kehity kanssamme alasi ja työyhteisösi luovaksi suunnanäyttäjäksi. Tarjoamme koulutusta osaamisesi kehittämiseen sekä asiantuntemusta, palveluita ja konkreettista apua organisaatiosi kehittämiseen. 

Asiantuntijayhteisömme on käytettävissäsi, kun etsit apua kilpailukyvyn vahvistamiseen, osaamisen päivittäiseen tai jatkuvan muutoksen hallintaan - kotimaassa tai kansainvälisillä areenoilla.

💎 Automaatio ja robotiikka
💎 Biotalous
💎 Matkailu
💎 Monialainen kuntoutus
💎 Sovellettu kyberturvallisuus
💎 Uudistuva oppiminen

Jamk numeroina:
8 koulutusalaa
8500 opiskelijaa
60 kansalaisuutta
4 kampusta
900 asiantuntijaa
17 labraa tuotekehitykseen, analysointiin ja testaukseen

➡ Seuraa meitä täällä Linkkarissa, niin pysyt kehityksen kyydissä!

Charge your creativy with us! We offer higher education and expertise to help you and your organisation to develop to the next level. 
Let's grow together by cooperating, experimenting and innovating!

Jamk in numbers:
8 fields of study
8500 students
60 nationalities
4 campuses
900 experts
17 testing- and laboratory services

➡ Follow us in LinkedIn and get the fuel for creativity!

Section iconCompany Overview

Rajakatu 35 Jyväskylä, 40200 FI
6113 - Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

Section iconFunding & Financials

Section iconFunding & Financials

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