Software DevelopmentUK, United Kingdom51-200 Employees
JustGiving is the world’s most trusted online giving platform. Our mission is to connect all of the world’s causes with people who care.
JustGiving uses 8 technology products and services including Adalyser, KISSmetrics, Facebook Pixel, and more. Explore JustGiving's tech stack below.
JustGiving Email Formats | Percentage |
First.Last@justgiving.com | 47% |
First@justgiving.com | 29% |
FLast@justgiving.com | 23% |
LastF@justgiving.com | 1% |
Software DevelopmentUK, United Kingdom51-200 Employees
JustGiving is the world’s most trusted online giving platform. Our mission is to connect all of the world’s causes with people who care.
JustGiving's revenue is in the range of $10M$50M
JustGiving's revenue is in the range of $10M$50M